Saturday, August 22, 2009

Switching to Wordpress...

Blog's been moved over to sickofthesedolphins. Check it out.

Sexuality and Semen...ya?

While I doubt that crude puns concerning names and ejaculate are a means of determining possible cases of mistaken sexuality, that might be the basis for the investigation taken by the IAAF on South African runner Caster Semenya. She has been suspected of having male characteristics, which would give her an unfair advantage over other women runners. Semenya dominated the 800m women's world championships with an impressive, to say the least, time of 1:55.45. This was a vast improvement from her previous showings, and I must admit, a somewhat better reason for an investigation than the peculiarity of a giggle-inducing last name (most laughs attained through fake german-accent à la Goldmember).

Usain Bolt may be bashing records but Semenya's smashing the boundaries of sex like she was She-Hulk. Hey, She-Hulk's strong, but that doesn't make her a man. This investigation begs the questions, "what exactly does constitute a person's sex?" and "how does this relate to gender, if at all?" A write-up at the sportscientists blog does a great job of highlighting several of the questions that complicate the issue. This isn't simply a matter of puns or even a matter of whoo-hoos vs wee-wees*(see footnote). This encompasses and extends beyond gender and sex lines. The argument ultimately wonders what is fair and right. And how, when the controversy is dimmed, and a decision has been reached, all this will affect the career of a great young runner.

I can't help but be a fan of the shoulder brush...

*Coincidentally enough, this is also the name of a questionable Native American documentary that is (it is said) devastatingly disruptive especially when played at full volume on an exceedingly large computer monitor. And although I wouldn't know, I'd warrant that many of the less embarrassed patrons of the internet cafe will be curious as to the title of the titillating, it's a good thing that you know it now, eh? Not that I would know or anything.**

**I would know, however, that you quite needlessly read the previous footnote, because you'd have read this footnote. While I might know this, one thing I actually do not know is if there is such a thing as whoo-hoos vs wee-wees. I would imagine that it would be something like this. Just as hot, except maybe sexier and with horses and a chick named Pocahotass.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Contraversus: Method Man uses Rifle-Style

Method Man has shot public. And if you didn't know, then you (like me) are behind the times, because this happened awhile back. July, apparently. What if I wasn't here to let you know about stale news, eh? Take into account that a crouton is just stale bread. Or at least...I think that's right. Either way, I'd be damned if they don't make salad that much more delicious. And guess what? If it's already happened then it's history. And "yadda yadda yadda", you're doomed to repeat. Now you know to to get the hell out the way when Mef brings the mufuckin ruckus.

Mary Anderson claims that, after a show in Houston, Method Man unloaded into an audience through the back window of his tour bus. She was shot six times. She is not dead because she was shot with a pellet gun, the oh-so-effective bird and squirrel massacring agent used by many a wee lad and lass. Unassuming, but far from harmless. Most people don't know that the art of pelletry has been used by shaolin monks for thousands of years.

So was Mef in the wrong? Uhdunno, not for me to decide. But I bet Mrs. Anderson has a bomb-ass story to tell her kids and grandkids one day. Many fans would have been honored to have been shot by the Wu-swordsman. Regardless of right or wrong Method Man always keeps it real for the kids.

SOHH article

AllHipHop article

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Legend Les Paul Passes Away...

Lester William Posfuss, better known as Les Paul, died today at the age of 94. He was the inventor of the solid-body electric guitar, which essentially equates to him being not only a part of music history, but THE HISTORY in a sense. Imagine your favorite bands. Now imagine them without electric guitars. Everything from shredder math-metal fast-paced in your face solos to tear-jerking big-haired eighties-ballads, would not have been possible without the innovation of Les Paul. He was a guitar enthusiast, music lover, and an awesome person in general . And he will be truly missed.

Here's a video from artisan news on Les Paul:
Les Paul