I've gone on a whim and finally created a blog. Maybe in the hopes of finding some sort of cathartic healing for my oh-so-pained teenage existence (sometimes Taco Bell is out of beef...appalling, I know). I'm currently in my senior year of high school. Last week, our senior class (a good chunk of it) headed out to Florida for the annual Senior Trip. Disney Grad Nite, Universal Studios, Cirque du Soleil. All that good shit to try to put a face on what can be a very difficult experience. Graduating, that is. The trip was fun, not very difficult at all. There was good times, laughter, trouble-making, rides, love interests, nostalgia. Soap opera stuff, blah blah blah.
Anyway, the real point of this post is Shoney's. If you don't know what Shoney's is, it's a chain of southern-style (I guess) restaurants (I don't know Shoney's scope of distribution, so I thought I'd throw that out there). Yeah, the trip was quietly emotional in a way. I'm gonna miss all of my friends. Growing up. Some pretty heavy stuff. But there's time for that later. Right now I'm going to talk about Shoney's and how it could possibly be the reason for the intrusive case of the shits that I contracted. I say intrusive because a bout would hit me at the most inopportune moments, specifically right before I got on a ride. Before this trip I wasn't much of a roller coaster person, either. So you could imagine my nervousness. Every ride might be the one where I soil myself. My bathroom count was up to about 4 visits a day, after eating at Shoney's 3 days in a row.
So, that's the bulk of Senior Trip '08.
Emotion, rides, and the shits.
P.S. The Senior girls from other schools had ugly boyfriends.