Sunday, June 28, 2009

Awkwardness and awkwords

Yo, what up internets? You know those awkward moments....You know what I'm talking about? Oh, you don't? know like when you don't mean to say something and you say the wrong thing instead, when you were...meaning to say really...something...else...? Uhhh...heh.

These moments happen everyday, even to the best of us. The most intelligent, the most charismatic, the most eloquent of individuals can be brought down to very subnormal levels of respect when they drop word-turds out their mouth hole. While, most people might let "good" slip as a response to stimuli such as "what up" or (less acceptable) "hi", there are certain responses that manage to confuse both parties involved. What ensues are verbal exchanges that seem to regress communication of any type. The other day I was involved in such an incident. This is my story.

It happened this past Thursday. Yes, 3 days ago. I had to let the happenings fester and marinate in my mind to truly understand. Plus I'm lazy, so you're getting the story now. Anyway, I went to the bank to make a deposit, in order to have enough money to pick up some tickets for Method Man and Redman (which I'm mad excited for). The transaction went smooth enough. Made the deposit, and started heading out. I saw someone coming on the other side of the glass, and I, being the good samaritan that I am, timed the opening of the door perfectly. The guy just had to step through and just drop a "thanks" ever so politely. This is what transpired instead.

I open the door. He walks in, turns around, and says..."How you doing?" To which I reply..."Thanks." What? "Thanks"? Why the fuck would I say that? Even better, why would he not say what I just had, which is much easier and less risky then "how you doing?". I may be nice, but I'm not tryin' to talk to strangers any more than is necessary. That is unless you're a nice girl with a compelling personality...who might possibly also be hot.

I finally figured out that, while he might have been looking at me, he was talking to the teller behind him, a few feet away. Which makes no kind of sense. It might not have helped that I was a lil' bit elevated. But damn, I felt like Paula Abdul or something.

...on second thought, maybe not that bad actually.