Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Transformers 2 Revenge of the Fallen Premiere Night

Just saw the midnight screening. Pretty much what I'd expected. CGI and fx looked even better than I could have hoped for. Megan Fox looked hot in her slow-mo running glory, Shia Labeouf played his character well. Overall a pretty funny film (lots of corn, too, make no mistake). And as expected, Michael Bay let shit blow up to his heart's content. Not the deepest of films, but definitely one of the most-action packed of the summer. Definitely no Star Trek, though. More in the morning, lots of stuff in the film that caught my eye. BUT at the moment I'm ready to pass out. So keep it prime, internets. OPTIMUS PRIME, that is. HAHHAHHAHHAAAHHGUUGFFFAAAAWWW!!!! hoohhh...shit!